The Modern Mystic's Guide to the Universe
Welcome home, Modern Mystic- to the place where your soul-seeking journey will never feel lonely again. Welcome to the place where wonder and awe are an everyday occurrence; where inner transformation is the name of the game; and where you always leave more empowered and expanded than you were when you came. I'm Hayley Winter, and I invite you to meet me here- at the bridge where Science, Psychology, and Spirituality merge- and together we'll explore the magic and mystery of this human experience. This is your guide to the Universe. Let's get metaphysical!
52 episodes
51: Tarot & Astrology for the WORST of times (How my practices saved my life) PT. 1
In today's episode, we're diving deep into how to use Tarot Coaching and Astrology to survive life's most impossible moments. This is NOT a sunshine-and-rainbows episode, so be prepared- I'm sharing in depth about my own trauma and...
Episode 50

50: Quick Summer Solstice Tarot Coaching Exercise | Litha Ritual
Happy Midsummer, my dude!I hope you enjoy this quick and powerful Tarot Coaching Exercise designed to help you harness the energy of the summer solstice.This episode pairs well with strong mead, honey cakes, and Episode 47 of th...
Episode 50

49: Why I've Been Gone. (I almost died)
TRIGGER WARNING: Death, grief, pregnancy loss.QUICK NOTE- the audio is a bit glitchy/messed up in a few places. We didn’t know about it until after it was already uploaded. I think we’ve fixed the issue, so it’ll be better in the next o...

48: Soulpreneur Saturday- Empowerment, Evolution, & Serving through Purposeful Products with Desiree Degree
Empowerment. Evolution. Purpose. Intention.These buzzwords are thrown around like CRAZY on the soulpreneurial space, and honestly, in a lot of ways, the concepts seem to have become hollow.THAT CHANGES TODAY.On today's r...
Episode 49

47: Tarot Tuesday- How to Interpret ANY Tarot Card Intuitively- Even if you have ZERO Tarot Experience!
I'm BACK, BABY! And I'm comin' in hotter than ever, because today I'm sharing with you my tried & true method for interpreting ANY Tarot Card intuitively (no matter how much, or how little, experience you have with Tarot).I HIGHLY r...
Episode 47

46: Soul & Spirit Sunday- The Impact of Facing Death & The Next Evolution (BONUS EPISODE)
It's time for our monthly candid chat about where we've been and where we're going. I have a few BIG changes happening here on the pod, in my business, and in my personal life, and it's finally time to share it all with you!Definitely d...
Episode 46

45: Soulpreneur Saturday- Marketing as a Sacred Practice with Allison Canales
Not to be dramatic, but this episode is about to CHANGE YOUR LIFE.Seriously- if you, like me, have ever struggled with social media as a spiritual business owner, THIS IS THE EPISODE FOR YOU! Grab your journal and a pen bec...
Episode 45

44: Transpersonal Thursday- New Moon in Aries Tarot Coaching Deep Dive with THE FOOL
HNM, my dude! Today's Tarot Coaching sesh is a little different than usual- instead of doing a full New Moon Tarot Coaching Spread, we're doing a DEEEEEEP dive into The Fool.I mean, with the New Moon in Aries falling on Apr...
Episode 44

43: Tarot Tuesday- MYTHBUSTING The Tarot!
Pucker up, butter cup- because I'm getting SALTY in this episode!On today's Tarot Tuesday tangent, I'm busting 3 (and a half?) of the BIGGEST and most DISEMPOWERING myths about the Tarot.I'll be answering questions like-...
Episode 43

42: Soul & Spirit Sunday- My First Spirit Guide Experience??? (A Skeptic's Story)
You're gonna want to grab some popcorn for this one, my dude. It's a WILD ride.Today I'm sharing about what is (maybe???) my first experience/encounter with spirit guides.I've always been skeptical of the whole spirit guide thing....
Episode 42

41: Soul Fam Friday- How to ACTUALLY use your Emotions to Manifest with Urte Maciulyte
If you struggle with the emotional aspect of manifestation, with figuring out how to FEEL something (like abundance for example) before you have physical proof in your life, or if you feel like your life is happening TO you, not FOR you...dude....
Episode 41

40: Witchy Wednesday- A POWERFUL Ritual for the Astrological New Year
Happy Astrological New Year!We're on the third "new year" of the year and honestly, IMO, it's never a bad time for that fresh start energy.The Astrological New Year is honestly probably my favorite of them all, because here in t...
Episode 40

39: Microdose Monday- Afraid of Failure? You won't be after THIS mindset shift!
Raise your hand if you've ever held yourself back from doing something your soul desired because you were afraid to fail? ✋Don't worry- I'm calling myself out just as much as I'm calling you out here.But the rad thing is- this f...
Episode 39

38: Soulpreneur Saturday- This Soulful Approach to Money will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Ahh, money. Quite possibly the most challenging & controversial topic that we deal with in life, especially as business owners.If you're anything like me, your relationship with money has been strained (to say the least).
Episode 38

37: Transpersonal Thursday- Full Moon in Virgo Tarot Coaching Sesh
HFM, babycakes! 🌝Today we're DEEP DIVIN' into a juuuuicy Tarot Coaching spread for the Full Moon in Virgo.As with all Tarot Coaching episodes, I *HIGHLY* recommend that you work with visuals (your cards if you have them, or my p...
Episode 36

36: Tarot Tuesday- 5 of my FAVORITE Ways to use Tarot Coaching
One of my absolute favorite aspects of Tarot Coaching is that it's so freakin' versatile. You name it, and Tarot Coaching can probably help with it. That's why today, I wanted to share with you 5 of my all time FAVE ways to use T...
Episode 36

35: Soul and Spirit Sunday- Candid talk about my health, anxiety, and what I’m doing about it (my holistic healing process)
Happy Sunday, Sunshine 💛Today's episode is getting REAL personal again, so grab a cuppa something cozy & buckle up.I'm gonna be sharing all about what's been going on with me in terms of my physical and mental health, as wel...
Episode 35

34: Soul Fam Friday- A TRULY Holistic Approach to Manifestation with Tanya Saunders
TGIF, baybeeee! You're gonna want to grab a notebook & pen for this one, because if you're like me, you're gonna be taking NOTES! On today's Soul Fam Friday cosmic conversation, I'm so excited to welcom...
Episode 34

33: Witchy Wednesday- Infuse more ✨MAGIC✨ into your day with these 5 mini rituals
Happy WEDNESDAY, Witch! 🐪Today on the pod, I'm sharing 5 of my all time fave mini rituals that help me infuse my days with magical vibes.These practices are super subtle, backed by science (! rad right??), aaaaand (for the most ...
Episode 33

32: Microdose Monday- This Mindset Shift Transforms Uncertainty from a DANGEROUS ENEMY to a POWERFUL ALLY
Hot take OTD- all of the negative conditioning we receive around uncertainty is total and complete BS.Seriously, who decided that uncertainty = bad things are GOING to happen??I certainly didn't sign up for that shit. And yet, t...
Episode 32

31: Soulpreneur Saturday- 5 of the BIGGEST Mistakes I've Made in my Business
AHHH! It's our VERY FIRST Soulpreneur Saturday episode!! 🙌✨🤗🥳I'm beyond stoked for these episodes, because conscious, soul-and-spirit led business is one of my absolute FAVORITE topics in this world. Business ...
Episode 31

30: Transpersonal Thursday- 5 Practices to Develop & Strengthen your Intuition
Welcome to Part 1 of *MANY* of the Intuitive Development Series!Today, I'm sharing 5 of my FAVORITE practices to help you begin strengthening & developing your intuition PRONTO 🙌These practices are accessible AF & simple...
Episode 30

Episode 29: Tarot Tuesday- New Moon in Pisces Tarot Coaching Sesh
Happy Tarot Tuesday! And Happy March! And Happy New Moon!!SO MUCH ENERGY!Today we're diving into a next level Tarot Coaching Session to support you throughout & beyond this mystical, magical New Moon in Pisces!We'l...
Episode 29

Episode 28- Soul & Spirit Sunday- Podcast Changes & BTS of my "Big Magic" Creative Process
Happy Soul & Spirit Sunday, my love!Today I'm sharing a bit of the behind the scenes of how I create the podcast.Not in a techy way or a strategic way, but in an energetic way. I'm shedding light on what it's like to really ...
Episode 28