The Modern Mystic's Guide to the Universe

35: Soul and Spirit Sunday- Candid talk about my health, anxiety, and what I’m doing about it (my holistic healing process)

Episode 35

Happy Sunday, Sunshine 💛

Today's episode is getting REAL personal again, so grab a cuppa something cozy & buckle up.

I'm gonna be sharing all about what's been going on with me in terms of my physical and mental health, as well as the steps I'm taking to heal.

If you've ever been in a situation where some shit comes up that you thought you had already healed- this is the episode for you.

If you've ever been so thrown off or taken out by what life throws at you that you don't know how to handle even one more second of it- this is the episode for you.

If you're in the midst of your Saturn Return, a Tower moment, or any of those periods of life where things just keep falling apart and you just don't know how to deal- this is the episode for you.

I hope that sharing my shadows helps you feel seen, heard, and understood.

We're all on this journey together. We might as well support each other, right?

Drop me a line on Insta & let's connect. Because that's the whole point 💛 @alchemyandarchetype (MY ONLY ACCOUNT!)

Catch ya back here on Tuesday for some dope Tarot content 💘