The Modern Mystic's Guide to the Universe
Welcome home, Modern Mystic- to the place where your soul-seeking journey will never feel lonely again. Welcome to the place where wonder and awe are an everyday occurrence; where inner transformation is the name of the game; and where you always leave more empowered and expanded than you were when you came. I'm Hayley Winter, and I invite you to meet me here- at the bridge where Science, Psychology, and Spirituality merge- and together we'll explore the magic and mystery of this human experience. This is your guide to the Universe. Let's get metaphysical!
The Modern Mystic's Guide to the Universe
39: Microdose Monday- Afraid of Failure? You won't be after THIS mindset shift!
Episode 39
Raise your hand if you've ever held yourself back from doing something your soul desired because you were afraid to fail? ✋
Don't worry- I'm calling myself out just as much as I'm calling you out here.
But the rad thing is- this fear is optional.
And when you fully integrate the mindset shift that I share in today's episode, fear of failure will truly become a thing of the past.
To enter this week's (evergreen!) 30 minute Tarot Coaching Session giveaway, send me a DM on the gram @alchemyandarchetype telling me:
- An experience from your past that you used to consider a failure, and one thing you learned from this experience/one way that it supported your growth and expansion as a person, and
- One thing that you've been holding yourself back from due to the fear of failure that you're going to take a step towards doing in the next week
Remember- these challenges are EVERGREEN, so you can enter whenever you listen to this episode!
Now go get 'em tiger! And remember- failure is a perspective, nothing more 😉