The Modern Mystic's Guide to the Universe

27: Psyche Saturday- The Lower Unconscious/Soul 101

• Episode 27

Happy weekend, bestie!

Welcome to the FINAL episode of Psyche Saturday! 🤯

Yep...I did just say that.

Don't worry though- the psychology nerd content isn't actually going anywhere. It's just gonna be taking a different form from now on. But enough spoilers- you'll have to tune into tomorrow's episode to hear more about the upcoming changes on the pod! Because TODAY is alllllll about the Soul/Lower Unconscious.

We're diving into another segment of the Holistic Consciousness series, this time dipping our toes into the waters of the Soul and the Lower Unconscious.

In this episode, you'll learn all about:

  • What the Soul/Lower Unconscious actually is
  • Why this aspect of the psyche is SO POWERFUL
  • How it connects with & relates to the other aspects of the psyche
  • The surprising places in pop culture & mythology where you've already started exploring this realm, but didn't know it!

Now, I DEFINITELY recommend listening to the previous Psyche Saturday episodes in the holistic consciousness series if you haven't already, starting with the first and going forward in order. 

They definitely build off of each other.

And I also recommend giving the visual model a quick once over as you're listening, to help the information integrate!

And there ya have it! Of course, don't forget to connect with me on IG @alchemyandarchetype and drop me a line- I laaaahv continuing the nerd fest with you 1:1!

Have an absolutely exquisite weekend, boo!

Talk tomorrow 💘