The Modern Mystic's Guide to the Universe
Welcome home, Modern Mystic- to the place where your soul-seeking journey will never feel lonely again. Welcome to the place where wonder and awe are an everyday occurrence; where inner transformation is the name of the game; and where you always leave more empowered and expanded than you were when you came. I'm Hayley Winter, and I invite you to meet me here- at the bridge where Science, Psychology, and Spirituality merge- and together we'll explore the magic and mystery of this human experience. This is your guide to the Universe. Let's get metaphysical!
The Modern Mystic's Guide to the Universe
33: Witchy Wednesday- Infuse more ✨MAGIC✨ into your day with these 5 mini rituals
Episode 33
Happy WEDNESDAY, Witch! 🐪
Today on the pod, I'm sharing 5 of my all time fave mini rituals that help me infuse my days with magical vibes.
These practices are super subtle, backed by science (! rad right??), aaaaand (for the most part) broom-closet friendly.
Give these rituals a try and see the difference that they make- I betcha they'll become daily staples for you, too!
Don't forget to take a vibey photo & share with me on Insta 😉 (@alchemyandarchetype)
Love ya 💘